How to thrive in 2025 as an experienced online coach, healer or therapist - my predictions
How to thrive in 2025 as an experienced, online coach, healer or therapist - my predictions
5 Reasons to get known as an Expert coach or healer now
5 Reasons to Get Known as an Expert now, as an established coach or healer.
How to stand out and succeed long-term as an online coach in a rapidly growing industry
How to stand out and succeed as a coach, long-term in a rapidly growing industry - my 5 tips.
Raise your prices without fear of losing clients + 4 practical things you can do
Raising your prices can bring up fears, doubts and worries around losing clients and income, which can keep you locked in overdelivering and undercharging.
This blog offers tons of insight and 4 practical things to do so you can raise your prices with confidence.
What is energy clearing and how does it work?
What is ‘energy clearing’, how it works to clear blocks, how it is different to mindset and other energy modalities and what it can help you with - inner uplevel.
What is uplevelling, in business?
What is uplevelling in business? This blog explores what it is, why you may want to do it and how to do it by explaining the 3 essential components to uplevelling.
5 ways to demonstrate your expertise as a coach or similar
I’ve identified 5 ways you can build your expertise, and therefore show you are an expert in your topic area*, in your marketing.
* you can’t be an expert at everything, you need to niche down and focus on something.
Think narrow and deep not wide and shallow.
Why you’re struggling to niche and how to overcome it to find your soul-aligned, niche.
Niching feels sooo hard for multi-passionate people who love variety and are excellent at lots of things. I have personally always found niching very hard and I know I’m not alone.
Discover 4 reasons you’re struggling and what you can do about it.
How to niche as a coach - my who, what, how niching model
Most of the advice around niching is about just defining a target audience. My niching model goes way deeper than that. If you’re working online as a coach, health or wellbeing practitioner, therapist or spiritual guide you need a more specifically defined niche.
This is how you can do that.
Why you need to niche beyond your target audience as an online coach or health practitioner
So many coaches, therapists and healers struggle to niche with their service-based, purpose-driven business. It’s not because niching is the wrong thing, it’s just that a lot of what they hear about niching doesn’t feel right for them.
I have a different view on niching…