Become an Ideal Client Magnet
a potent, poweress hour to get clear on your NEXT-LEVEL ideal client so you can attract them with ease

Right now, you may be:
- struggling to attract enough of the premium clients you want
- attracting more of the same draining clients you’d like to stop working with
- frustrated that your clients don’t get the amazing results you know they can
- not feeling excited by all of the clients you’re working with
- feeling exhausted from trying so hard to get a great results for unaligned clients eg being dragged into doing things that aren’t your zone of genius
- feeling not completely aligned in your business
- doubting yourself and your abilities and whether you can successfully work with higher-vibe clients
This is for you if you want to:
- know exactly who your real ideal clients are and what will motivate them to buy
- hone in on your next-level ideal clients and get more specific
- call in the premium, aligned clients you’d love to work with, with ease
- feel more excited by your ideal clients
- uplevel who you’re attracting
- create much more resonant and effective marketing content
- feel inspired and excited by your marketing again

“The poweress hour with Hils exceeded all my expectations. It really felt like I was guided through a process, beginning with a meditation to connect to who my ideal clients are, and coming out inspired, fired up and clear about my next steps. I discovered that the work I've been dreaming of doing is simply a refinement of my niche and feels totally in alignment with the way I want to work and the people I want to work with. You gave me some really helpful practical guidance about how to start moving towards this work. Overall. we covered a huge amount of ground in the session - I can't believe it was only an hour - and I came away really clear on what my next steps are. I can't recommend this enough, even if you think you're pretty clear on your niche already - I did and this session took it to new levels for me and has reignited my passion for my work.”
— Melanie Ward, Bodyworker and Shadow Work coach
- get much clearer on who your next-level, soul-fit ideal clients are and how to speak to them
- deeply understand your ideal clients, what their problems are, what they want and what motivates them to buy
- learn the relevant and resonant language and topics to use to attract your ideal clients
- uplevel who you are attracting
- create irresistible copy and content
- attract your ideal clients with ease without getting stuck spending hours on your marketing or wondering who you’re trying to talk to

"I loved my Power Hour on Attracting My Ideal Client with Hils, as it was so rich and far more powerful than I had anticipated. Although I'm already in the communications space and used to working with clients on their ideal clients, it was totally different being the client in this case. Hils was friendly, professional, and full of great insights. The Power Hour was also packed with great questions, I really felt like I got under the skin of my ideal client - so much so that she started developing a whole life of her own! I loved working with Hils - her practical, yet intuitive and grounded approach helped me to access my intuitive knowing and get me clearer on those women I'm longing to serve in my work too. Fantastic session. Thoroughly recommend. Thanks Hils!"
— Priya Mahtani, Women's Coach, Facilitator, Writer
What’s included:
- A 1-hour, 1-2-1 session with me including a powerful ideal client visualisation
- Bonus Meditation: ‘Magnetise your Ideal Clients to you’
- The session recording so you can listen again and draw out all the amazing ideas
NB: this is NOT a general coaching session, this is a specific process focused on your ideal clients
Investment: £197
Book a Call
If you’re not sure if this service is right for you or what help you need, book a free discovery call.