Raise your prices without fear of losing clients + 4 practical things you can do

When a client wants to uplevel their business, raising prices is an essential part, and the fear of losing clients (and income) is a biggie!

It can stop you from charging what you really should be charging for a long time, keeping you stuck in lack, overdelivering and overworking. 

Firstly, congratulations on deciding to raise your prices. You are clearly stepping into a new level of worth and wealth, even if you’ve been pushed from a place of dissatisfaction.

Raising your prices can feel scary, but if you are ready to step into a new level of worth or you are looking to move from a transactional model to a transformational model - ie stop trading time for money (and getting paid by the hour) for single sessions and create transformational offerings and more consistent revenue instead – then this blog is for you.

Losing clients is a valid fear (but it doesn't mean it’s not the right thing)

You worry about being too expensive, that your current clients won’t pay more or commit to a longer package, that they will be angry with you (as you’ve built up trust with them) or that you will lose the revenue.

You have some clients, you are confident you can get new clients at your current price point and you rely on the money from this service – even though it’s not enough and you want to change that.

A higher price point feels wobbly, because it’s new and a stretch for you.

It can bring up all sorts of fears; “will anyone pay that?, am I really worth that?, can I deliver?, will I get judged/rejected?, what if no one pays it and I lose all my clients?”.

Firstly, I want you to look at your thoughts and fears and question if they are really true.

For example, will you definitely lose all of your current clients? I doubt it.

This is quite a catastrophic thought, is it not?


If you deliver great service, they love you and they keep coming back, they KNOW your value and most of them will probably be willing to pay more, rather than risk finding someone else not as good.

And if not, you need to let them go so you create space for new clients who are willing to pay the higher price.

If you actually do the maths on this, you’ll probably find losing a couple of clients, but everyone else paying more, won’t reduce your revenue at all, yet overnight you’ll have more time and the same or more revenue.

Secondly, don’t just assume the change will mean losing clients.

Positioning yourself as an expert, creating a transformational program (1-2-1 / group) and charging a price more equal to the value you offer, could and over time will, bring you more clients. And definitely more next-level clients (the ones who are ready and willing to pay).

Here are 4 practical things you can do to raise your prices and increase your revenue without your fear stopping you.

1. Get REALLY clear on the value you offer and the results you get for clients

Why do they keep coming back?

What results do they get – be as specific and tangible as you can?

Think about who your next-level ideal clients are – the ones who will pay your higher rates. This is who you need to be speaking to.

Being armed with this information will help you own your rate increase with more confidence.

If you want help with this book my ‘Become an Ideal Client Magnet Poweress Hour’ here.


If you are raising your prices without changing anything, then just pick a date and do it - raise your prices publicly (eg on your website) so these prices are for all new clients.


If you are no longer offering single sessions and switching to a transformational model (where you are ONLY selling programs or courses, not ad-hoc sessions), you may need to do a bit more planning.

You cannot offer both at the same time or you may struggle to sell your new program (which is a bigger commitment for clients).


You need to have your new program(s) ready to sell before you discontinue your single sessions. You could give advance warning to your list/audience and give people a chance to buy a limited number of sessions before the price changes (if you want to) or you only let them book until the date they are no longer available.


OR, you don’t even have to tell anyone, just change your prices!

Your business - your rules remember.


Either way, there’s what you do publicly and there’s what you communicate to current clients – the ones you are worried you’ll upset.

For existing clients, you could offer them a new ongoing monthly offering such as a session per month, paid monthly, or a block of sessions, but do it ONLY for a limited time.

Just raise the rate so it’s more in line with your new prices/offerings! You’ll know when this needs raising again.


You also don’t need to explain why you’re raising your prices and you don’t need to justify it.

It’s just facts. It’s just business.

3. Work on your inner landscape

While you may have had an inner shift first (eg by having energy clearing with me around self-worth, money and sales) that has you charged up about putting your prices up – the act of doing it and following through with it takes time and can feel wobbly, until you get settled at your new level.


It may take some time to get new clients at your new rates and in that gap between the old and the new, the fears, doubts and worries will likely creep back in.


So it’s really important to keep working on your money mindset, your energetics and your frequency (for example clearing the fear in a session with me using energy clearing), so you don’t get frozen with making decisions and implementing the price rise.


Check out Uplevel Activation if you want help with the inner uplevelling.

4. support through this transition

It’s also important to have ongoing support so that when you do lose a client or someone says something mean like “how could you raise your prices, I’ve been a loyal customer for 10 years” you can rise above it all without doubting yourself.

What happens when you own your value at a higher rate and need to raise your prices is that once you have stepped into that and you start getting clients at the new prices, you won’t want to work with clients at the lower rate.

Resentment can start to creep in.

So while it’s a transition (this uplevelling your prices and worth) and transitions take time, you need to believe you will come out the other side, so you must put plans in place to raise all prices across the board to everyone. 


And just to say, uplevelling is not easy.

Elevating your positioning is not easy.

Raising your worth and prices is not easy.


The transition takes time.

Your current audience is used to you the way you are and it’ll take time for them to adjust to the new you.

So there is work to be done to shift your messaging, branding, marketing etc to attract new next-level ideal clients. Check out my free guide here to help you with that.

AND there may well be someone in your audience right now, just waiting for this new program!


I love this quote I saw recently (someone has screenshotted it from a presentation so I can’t cite the source):


If you’re the cheapest no one will expect you to be the best,

If you’re the best no one will expect you to be the cheapest

Do you want to be the cheapest or the best?


Want help?

If you’ve been coaching or doing therapies for some years, you are likely brilliant at what you do.

If you’ve not put your prices up in the last year, it’s time to review and reset (ie raise) them.


If you want to own your unique gifts, position yourself as an expert, raise your prices, increase your revenue, and make a bigger impact, that’s what I can help you do in my 1-2-1 coaching program and in my UPLEVEL Mistressmind.


If you want to chat about working with me to uplevel your prices, ideal clients, beliefs, strategy, marketing, messaging and everything in between, book a free call with me here.


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Hils x

I empower soulful, ambitious women coaches, health & wellbeing practitioners, therapists, healers and spiritual businesses who mostly work online, to uplevel their business; inner world, income and impact.

If you're struggling with making more revenue, check out ways to work with me here.

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