Hils Crisp | Business Alchemiste

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What is energy clearing and how does it work?

We are all energy, everything around us is energy and everything is connected. 

When we work with the energy system in our bodies, we can unblock and unlock so many things like beliefs and fears that have been stuck – sometimes for a very long time.

The Conscious Energy Clearing® Method is a method I have been trained in and have experienced for myself first-hand – with incredibly powerful results.

The method was developed by Gemma Went in collaboration with Michelle Lowbridge who is an expert energy healer and the creator of Clearing Energy Therapy®.

It’s the same principle as Clear Energy Therapy® but this bespoke energy clearing method was specifically designed to help online business owners unblock their way to aligned success.

It’s a simple method, that gets big results.

How The Conscious Energy Clearing® Method Works

The Conscious Energy Clearing® Method clears limiting beliefs, fears, stuck emotions and negative thoughts from BOTH the subconscious AND the energy bodies.

The best way to describe our energy bodies is by imagining a set of Russian Dolls.

Each energy body (x7) is a layer that sits on top of the previous one, interacting with each other, with your chakras (energy centres), with your meridians (communications pathways) and with your physical body, spiritual being (source, god, universe, spirit team) and the outside world.

All this is what we work with when we are clearing the energy from your system.

Your thoughts and beliefs (positive and negative) are all energy and they get stored in your energy body. This shapes your outlook, which has a massive effect on how you show up, the actions you take and the outcomes you get.

When the energy system is working well, everything is in flow and seems easy. The greater the flow, the higher your frequency and vibration.

When there is a block, it slows down or stops the natural flow of energy, your life force.

A block can be caused by any negative experience (such as any time you’ve been hurt, not heard, or neglected), a negative thought, a limiting belief, a negative story or association, fears, or a difficult emotion such as guilt or grief that hasn’t been fully processed or held.

This block is stored in your energy system and creates unhelpful thoughts and behaviours which create unwanted behaviour - until it is cleared.

Because like attracts like, when you’re operating at a lower frequency you will attract lower-frequency things in your business and life. The higher your frequency and vibration the more you attract things at that higher frequency as you are liberated to think, believe and behave in different and better, more aligned ways.

As a practitioner, I work with the energy bodies, the chakras and the meridians clearing anything that stands in my client’s way.

For example, you were told off as a child for ruining a pretty dress and told you don’t deserve nice things. That experience caused a block in your energy system which also created stories about you not being deserving. Because of that, you struggle to receive money because you don’t feel deserving.

You can see how that would put the brakes on your financial success with your business. This block could be cleared without going into the trauma or story and you’d feel much more deserving. You’d find selling easier, you’d be able to charge higher prices and you’d find receiving more and more money easier.

How you can have this inner uplevel too

The Expansion Codes® are individual energy clearing processes within the method, that are designed to help you feel courageous, emboldened, unapologetic, undaunted, lighter, empowered and self-assured so that you can step up and be the expert, be comfortable in your own skin and move forward to grow your business and create the wealth you desire.

The codes clear the blocks from the energy system and are designed to focus on a particular challenge you’re experiencing. If working 1-2-1, we will talk through what you need before your session, in a group they will be pre-chosen. There are fourteen powerful codes:

The Self-Worth Code

The Self-Trust Code

The Expert Code

The Judgement Code

The Money Code

The Abundance Code

The Sabotage Code

The Joy Code

The Mistakes Code

The Sales Code

The Shame Code

The Hidden Talents Code

The Sharing Code

The Mission Code

Can you imagine how receiving these codes and clearing stuck blockages around these topics, would uplevel you and then your business?

How is this different from mindset modalities?

Mindset modalities work only with the conscious mind – what you are aware of – and studies have shown we’re only aware of 3% of our mind! That makes 97% of our inner world (beliefs, fears, triggers etc) unconscious, ie we’re not even aware of it.

Energy clearing works with our energy bodies and can access that 97% because you don’t need to be consciously aware of the limiting beliefs, fears or whatever, to release them.

This is important because things that hold us back live in the subconscious, while they also live (or more accurately, they get stuck) in our energy system.

It also means you don’t need to dig around in your past hurts and traumas to move forward.

For example, when a repeating negative or unhelpful thought such as “I’m not good enough” (which shows up in many ways and is super common) is worked on with mindset work, any shifts may not stick. If you keep thinking that thought again, you’ll re-instil the belief. This energy clearing method clears it out permanently, however, you also need to take action afterwards to aid the integration of it, to embody the new you and ensure you shift your habitual behaviours.

This is why mindset work alone doesn’t always fully work because the same problems can keep coming up again and again.

How is this different from other energy modalities?

Other energy modalities like reiki, energy medicine, chi gong, shiatsu etc work on the physical energy bodies (as I see it) but don’t clear the subconscious blocks that are stuck in the energy system.

This method quite simply ‘reaches the parts other modalities don’t reach’ – specifically for business owners.

For a frame of reference, it’s more like EFT than anything but it’s way way wayyy more powerful, it just seems to go a lot deeper.

How does a session Work?

During the session I hold space for you to step into the next level version of yourself by clearing what’s standing in your way energetically, using one or more of these codes.

You use your hands on your own body and I guide you on what to do. I do not interfere with your energy or anything like that, I merely guide you and hold space for you. Which is why we can do it online.

1) You place your hands over your own energy centres in a specific way as guided by me.

2) You focus on a thought, feeling or phrase.

3) This triggers a specific response in the energy system and a particular frequency or combination of frequencies are activated.

4) The energy system releases the stuck energy that has been activated, which clears the limiting belief, negative narrative or resistance.

5) You’re not looking to revisit old wounds or stories, or bring up trauma, you simply turn up the stress and feeling to clear it.

However you experience this is right. There is no typical or right way, it’s simply your journey. You may or may not notice any change right away and that’s fine. Changes can be immediate or they integrate over a few weeks, or both.

I will then guide you with some further practices to embody the new you, and take uplevelled actions in alignment with your higher frequency.

If you want help to uplevel your inner world and/or your business, CHECK OUT ‘UPLEVEL ACTIVATION’ HERE or book a discovery call with me and let's talk about your goals and how I can help you get there.

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Hils x

I empower soulful, ambitious women coaches, health & wellbeing practitioners, therapists, healers and spiritual businesses who mostly work online, to uplevel their business; inner world, income and impact.

If you're struggling with making more revenue, check out ways to work with me here.

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