Hils Crisp | Business Alchemiste

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Why you’re struggling to niche and how to overcome it to find your soul-aligned, niche.

Niching feels sooo hard for multi-passionate people who love variety and are excellent at lots of things.

I have personally always found niching very hard and I know I’m not alone.

When I first started my business, I did personal growth work for 3 years. I ran women’s groups around self-belief, authentic confidence, finding your voice and presence. I also ran mixed groups using Heart IQ which was a deeply healing, potential-activating, expansive body of process-style circle work.

I didn’t really have a niche.

Everything I did was in person not online (this was pre-Covid) and I found clients through networking, social media and other avenues based on my energy and enthusiasm and marketing.

It worked, to a point, but it was tough.

Conceptually I got the theory of niching, I just hated the thought of doing it myself. I struggled to know what the results were I was getting when I just started out and then later, I was getting so many different results (because I was helping lots of different people with lots of different things so of course I was getting varied results), I just didn’t know how to be more specific.

BUT… Specificity works (in niching and in marketing)!

I love variety and felt so trapped by the idea of only working on one thing with one set of people, over and over again.

I thought I would hate it, but in reality (since taking the plunge and actually niching TWICE, first to more business and marketing coaching and now as refinement to helping women doing transformational work to uncover and embrace their soul-aligned niche and uplevel, as a business strategist) I found it massively opened up my creativity!

Which is the absolute opposite of what I thought as I can go deeper into my key areas, really own my unique expertise and attract awesome clients.

BUT - Niching can feel like the hardest thing to do.

It brings up all sorts of fears, thoughts and questions, such as:

·       What if my niche doesn’t contain enough customers to make enough sales?

·       How will I find my ideal clients?

·       I don’t want to exclude people who could benefit from what I do

·       What I do is good for everyone, why can’t I market it to everyone?

·       I don’t know how to niche in a way that feels good

·       Won’t I lose sales if my niche is too narrow?

·       I don’t want to feel limited by only serving one type of person

·       What if I pick the wrong niche?

·       I’ll run out of things to talk about

·       And more!

4 reasons you’re struggling to niche:

1. You’re trying to figure it out or pick the best niche based on logic alone, but it’s not a decision to make solely from your head. It’s a head-heart-soul decision that can reveal itself in many different ways but rarely by just thinking about it logically.

2. You are too close to yourself, your unique abilities and your own business to see it. So, it’s not something that will easily be revealed to you alone. An experienced coach or well-facilitated group can see things in you that you can’t, because you’re blind to them. I can come from a unique perspective and help draw your unique, soul-aligned niche out of you.

3. You’re using ‘I’m not clear on my niche’ as a story to stop you from taking the courageous and difficult steps forward with your business. Your niche will more likely emerge if you do a lot of work with people and a lot of marketing. You have to start before you’re totally clear on a niche. You just need a starting point.

4. You’re trying to force the decision and obsessing over it. Your niche will emerge over time as you do more work with people, although there’s plenty I can do with you to help you uncover your niche, as well as create an aligned business based on it and how to market it effectively and authentically.

I’m all about alignment and helping clients to create a business that’s in complete alignment with them, their values, their passions, their experience, and their why as well as their unique abilities.

If you’re struggling to niche, feel resistant to it or feeling the fear but also part of you longs to shine in your expertise spotlight, book a discovery call with me here.

The thing is if you don’t niche much at all on any of the 3 elements in my unique niching model (see blog here), you’ll be a generalist who’s trying to attract clients from a large pool of people but actually appealing to hardly anyone. 

If you're struggling with figuring out your soul-aligned niche check out my ‘discover your niche gold’ coaching program here, or other ways to work with me here.

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